Thursday 29 December 2016


Lagos woman killed by cleaner buried

Emotion ran high on Thursday as late Temidayo Adeleke, who was stabbed to death by her Cameroonian house help, was laid to rest at The Vaults and Gardens, Ikoyi, Lagos State.
Prior to the burial, a funeral service attended by families and friends of the deceased was held at Guiding Light Assembly on Parkview Estate, where the victim lived.
 Reported, that Joel Ludguo approached the 32-year-old victim around 10.30pm on Tuesday, December 20, 2016, and asked for advance payment of N15,000 out of his N27,000 salary
Adeleke, whose marriage was slated for early 2017, was said to have pleaded with him to be patient, saying she did not have naira notes on her.
The entreaty, however, fell on deaf ears as Ludguo left the boss’ living room in anger only to return a few minutes later with a knife and stabbed her in the chest.
The police had said the 22-year-old cleaner was desperate to send the money to his girlfriend in Cameroon, adding that the suspect would be duly prosecuted.
The security guard of the Adelekes’ residence, who identified himself simply as Abbah, had told the reporters that the suspect was employed about two months ago, adding that he was on drugs.
He said, “The boy is wicked and I have always warned him. He takes drugs. When policemen checked his clothes, they found tremor there. Madam bought him a new phone last month and she usually gave him money apart from his salary. She brought him home through her church member last month and they lived in her flat.
“It was the driver who lives in the adjoining flat that heard madam scream. By the time he got there, she was gasping with blood gushing out of her chest. The driver alerted me immediately to stop Joel at the gate and he was later arrested,” he had said.
A mammoth crowd flooded  The Vaults and Gardens on Thursday during the burial of the victim as tears streamed down the faces of many sympathizers.
The family members of the deceased were distraught to speak to journalists, but friends described Adeleke as a kind-hearted and passionate woman, who lived a virtuous life.

Thursday 22 December 2016

In protest against fur clothes, Barcelona activists go naked.

In protest against fur clothes, Barcelona activists go naked

Animal rights defenders stripped down Sunday in the Spanish tourist hub of Barcelona to draw attention to the cruelty of the fur industry.
Dozens of activists, naked, doused in fake blood and piled together in imitation of a heap of animal carcasses, staged a lie-in in the centre of town.
“How many lives just for a coat?” read a sign in English held up by Luisa Escribano, 53, and her daughter Barbara, 21, in the middle of the protesters.
“It is very important to draw attention to what happens to the animals, and which goes largely unnoticed. They suffer and die on farms, but their lives matter for me and my family,” said Luisa.
Each year, over 60 million animals — including over 32 million in the European Union — are killed around the world to make coats and other items from their skin, according to international animal rights group, AnimaNaturalis, which staged the demonstration
Europe produces 70 percent of the world’s mink fur and 63 percent of its fox fur, according to the group.
Denmark and Finland are the world’s largest producers and exporters of mink and fox fur.
Other major producers are Russia, Canada, Sweden and the Netherlands.

Monday 12 December 2016

Death in NYSC Camp: My daughter nursed no ailment – Father of deceased

Death in NYSC Camp: My daughter nursed no ailment – Father of deceased

Family’ll support exhuming the body if…
 By Gbenga Olarinoye Osogbo— Mr. Olawale Oladepo, a retired Sanitary Inspector and the father of late Ifedolapo Oladepo, a youth corps member, who died in Kano while undergoing orientation at the National Youth Service Camp, NYSC camp, insisted that the untimely death of his daughter was allegedly caused by negligence of the NYSC.

According to him, Dolapo nursed no ailment before she departed home for Kano at about 6am on Thursday, November 24, and called at regular intervals along the journey till she got to Kano around 1:00am the following day and headed straight for the NYSC Orientation Camp with two other friends.

He wondered how a person, who participated actively and appeared so radiant in all the pictures she sent home could, according to the medical certificate of the cause of her death issued by Gwazo General Hospital have died of kidney infection.

 He attributed the death to negligence and lackadaisical attitude of the NYSC, adding that the Corps should come out with a vivid account of what happened to his daughter between 8:00am on Monday that she reported to the camp clinic and the time she passed on at 4:am the second morning.

 “The death certificate issued by the Gwazo General Hospital, Kano said she had sepsis that led to kidney infection. I wonder if truly she had kidney infection, did the camp have proper medical facilities to have kept her, and why taking her to the General Hospital with no facilities to treat such ailments?”

Conditions for exhuming the body 

The father of Ifedolapo Oladepo, the corps member from Osun State who died recently at the camp of the National Youth Service Corps in Kano State, Mr. Olawale Oladepo, has said that the Federal Government must meet certain conditions before the family would allow the remains of her daughter to be exhumed for post-mortem autopsy. 

President Muhammadu Buhari had ordered an independent investigation into the controversial death of the 26-year-old first class graduate in Transport Management from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomosho. To this end, the Minister for Youths and Sports, Solomon Dalung, had said that Ifedolapo’s remains would be exhumed for autopsy. The family also said they have never been in any communication with anyone on the matter.

The family contended that it will only consider such option after all avenues such as listening to the preceding conversations of Dolapo through communication network had been explored. Addressing newsmen in Osogbo yesterday, the father of the deceased, Mr Olawale Oladepo asked the Federal Government to explore all avenues, including the conversations of the deceased with members of the family before her death. 

Mr Oladepo, accompanied by other members of the family and concerned friends of the deceased, gave graphic account of what transpired between his daughter and other members of the family before her death. He also urged President Muhammad Buhari to caution the Minister of Sports and Youth Development, Comrade Solomon Dalung against making inflammatory statement that could further aggravate the agony of parents and family members over the untimely death of Dolapo.

The Minister, who was said to have exonerated the NYSC of culpability in the death of Ifedolapo was said to have given an indication that the remains of Ifedolapo will be exhumed for autopsy to confirm the cause of the death while in NYSC orientation camp. While appreciating the efforts of President Muhammad Buhari at making sure a reliable investigation is conducted into the circumstances that led to the death of his daughter, Mr Oladepo pledged his cooperation with the panel.

 He also appreciated the Governor of Osun State, Mr. Rauf Aregbesola, members of the National Assembly, members of the Osun State House of Assembly and the media for their interest in the circumstances that led to the death of his daughter. 

Corps member father’s account According to the late corps member’s father; ‘’Dolapo nursed no ailment. She was always hale and hearty. I took her to the motor park to board a bus bound for Kano and the bus departed at 6am on Thursday November 24. ‘’After a brief father-daughter talk at the park, the bus departed at 9am. 

She called at regular intervals along the journey till she got to Kano around 1am the following morning. ‘’At dawn of 25th, she headed straight for the NYSC Orientation Camp with two other friends she journeyed with from Osogbo. ‘’After much ordeals of registering at the camp, she called me in the afternoon to keep me abreast of developments. 

‘’At 6:30am the following morning (Saturday, 26th November, 2016), she called again as usual. She reported that they were woken up by 4am and that they had finished the morning drill after which they would go for another parade and the opening ceremony later. ‘’On that Saturday, she sent home all the pictures taken with funfair with some of her friends and she looked hale and hearty that day according to the pictures as she participated in all the activities of the day. ‘’I now wonder if a person who had kidney infection as claimed by the NYSC could participate and be so radiant in all the pictures she sent. 

‘’On Saturday, 27th, she reported there were no activities. Her mother even called her that Sunday to send her NYSC state code number and she did not complain of any ailment. It was on Monday she called her elder sister complaining that she felt sick and was not being attended to because they thought she was trying to avoid the day’s drill.

 ‘’The sister started conversations with the medical personnel on duty and begged them to attend to her. The sister’s battery went flat so she called an uncle who is a consultant. The uncle asked what she was given, they told him Placebo. ‘’After some persuasion, they agreed to give her medications. Some times later, when her sister’s phone came on, she told her they administered some drugs on her and shortly after, her speech slurred, the tongue twisted and she could not talk properly.

 ‘’There were visible patches of blood under her skin and rashes all over her body. She took the picture of the hand to testify to this and she sent it home. When her sister called again, the medical personnel on duty told her she reacted to the drugs given and that they had given her hydro cortisone to counter the reactions and that after one hour, if her situation did not improve, they would transfer her to a teaching hospital after much plea from the sister asking them to transfer her to the teaching hospital. 

‘’The battery of the deceased phone later went off. When the younger sister called her around 4pm of that same day, she answered the phone but complaining she has not been taken to any health institution requesting that we should come by air to take her back home. ‘’It was then the sister called Ilorin and when they said the plane had departed and another wouldn’t be available till Wednesday, she travelled to Ibadan to catch the night bus to Kano.

 It was on their way that the sister was called around 4am on Tuesday, that she had passed on. Request for NYSC’s story ‘’My request to NYSC is to give the family and the entire world a vivid account of what happened to my daughter between 8am on Monday that she reported to the camp clinic and the time she passed on at 4am the second morning as reported by them. ‘’The doctor on duty at the Gwazo General Hospital, Kano said she had Sepsis that led to kidney infection. I wonder if truly she had kidney infection, did the Camp have proper medical facilities to have kept her; and why taking her to the General Hospital with no facilities to treat such ailments? 

‘’Hence, by implication, whatever ailment may have developed when she got to camp could not have resulted to death if she had been promptly attended to and taken care of. However, she died out of negligence and lackadaisical attitude of the NYSC ‘’Lest I forget, the NYSC may now tell me what the relationship is between the second hand knickers she was alleged to have worn, the rashes on her body, the twisted tongue, the blood patches on her skin, the fingers and toes that turned black, the slurred speech and the kidney infection that they claimed she had. ‘’Until they give answers to these questions, we have little to talk about.

 This is not in a way to indict anybody but to bring out the truth of the whole scenario. ‘’Apparently, she was not taken to any tertiary hospital until she died, according to the medical certificate of the cause of death issued by Gwazo General Hospital and I quote; “She died as I’m aware or informed on the 29th of November, 2016 at 4am and that the cause of death was Septic shock and kidney injury”. 

According to the father; ‘’I’m worried about this report that she had Urinary Tract Infection leading to kidney injury. Thus, I wish to state for the umpteenth time that the cause of death as claimed by NYSC is simply contradictory! ‘’May I also recall that as she conversed with me and the sister the twisted tongue showed because her speech was slurred. We have strong cause to believe their accounts were mere fabrications. ‘’People don’t mind calling white black just to cover up. All we are saying is, the NYSC negligence sent our daughter to her early grave.’’

Sunday 11 December 2016

No big deal signing on fans’ boobs — Lil Kesh

  No big deal signing on fans’ boobs — Lil Kesh

Keshinro Ololade, aka Lil Kesh, speaks about his career, relationship with Olamide and his new record label

Was it your childhood dream to become a music artiste?
I have pretty much been around music all my life, and the love for music has gotten me this far. My dad is a pastor and he owns a church. However, it’s not like I made a conscious decision to become an artiste; it grew on me untill I knew this was what I wanted to do.
What was your dad’s reaction to your decision to become an artiste?
My dad was cool with it. He lets you do whatever you want to do. He feels that whatever his life story is doesn’t have to affect the way his children live their lives. According to what he used to tell me, everybody must live his or her individual stories. He watched me grow from being part of the choir, learning to play drums, and attending music shows. Till now, he gives me all the necessary support and respects my decisions.
Considering that your dad is a pastor, isn’t he bothered by your vulgar lyrics?
Those vulgar songs are basically about me doing my job and he doesn’t interfere. Besides, not all my songs are vulgar. I have recorded songs like IsheSemilore and others. However, the ones that go viral are the ones with vulgar lyrics. I understand my markets, and I know the demography I’m directing my music to, which is the youth and adults. I’m a blunt entertainer, but I consider my fans, and always try to give them what they want. But this year, I decided that I’ll feed my fans with more meaningful songs that will inspire them.
What inspires you to write such vulgar songs?
Most of those songs were not written; we just go into the studio and ‘vibe.’ However, my environment inspires me and it’s not like I deliberately try to be vulgar.
Beyond the stage persona, who is Keshinro Ololade as a person?
I have a dual personality in the sense that I could go into the studio and come up with crazy songs that would entertain people. I could also be home alone relaxing, and listening to soft and mid-tempo songs. Listening to my songs, some people may think I’m a loud and local boy, but they’re usually surprised when they meet me and see that I’m calm and cool-headed. I’m not that outgoing, except if I have to attend events.
What’s your educational background?
I went to a number of primary schools, all in Lagos. I also attended secondary school in Lagos before proceeding to the University of Lagos to study Linguistics. However, I had to defer my admission because of my hectic schedule. Right now, I’ve enrolled at the National Open University, where I’m studying Mass Communication.
Some people believe you came out of nowhere to rise to the top in the music industry.  Can you share some of your struggles?
I have always been a hustler. I started my career by attending several talent hunt competitions, and I won some of them which made me quite popular in school. At a point, I was always hanging around studios because I had no money to record songs.
How did you meet Olamide?
I recorded a song titled Lyrical in late 2013, and Olamide heard it sometime in 2014. Apparently, he loved it, and he said he wanted to meet me. When I met Olamide, he had a contract ready for me, and that was how my career kick-started. I was blessed enough to record a hit song within months, and my career has been growing ever since. I have always seen Olamide as a king, and I even respect him more now.
How would you describe Olamide as a boss?
Despite the fame and fortune around him, Olamide is just like the guy next door. He is easy-going and down-to-earth. He is friendly with everyone and he could eat from the same plate with you without airs and graces.
Was it really your label mate, Viktoh, who introduced you to Olamide?
Yes. Viktoh is a friend to Olamide’s younger brother, DJ Enimoney, and he had known Olamide for about five years before I came into the picture. We used to meet at some talent hunt competitions, and he was the one that played my song, Lyrical, to Olamide. He actually signed both of us on the same day.
It was reported that there’s bad blood between you and Viktoh?
That’s just the figment of some people’s imaginations. VIktoh will always be my brother. We all have our different times to shine.
Let’s talk about Shoki…
I think Shoki is my biggest song to date. It became popular barely weeks after it was released. Initially, I was in denial because I didn’t know the song was that big. At some point, people like American singer, Missy Elliot, uploaded a video of herself dancing to Shoki. To be honest, it put pressure on me, because it was almost bigger than Lil Kesh, the brand.
Your style of music is similar to Olamide’s. Wasn’t he afraid of you overshadowing him?
No, there’s no competition between us. Olamide built the YBNL family in a way that we all love one another. Even if he is meant to release a song, and one of his artistes also wants to release a song, he would defer his to allow his artiste’s song to be put out. Besides, I won’t say I decided to do music like Olamide; it came naturally to me. We’re both from Bariga, and we have the same musical influences. YBNL has a sound of its own; it is not an Olamide sound, or a Lil Kesh sound.
Do you feel you know enough about the music industry to float your own record label?
Olamide brought us up to know every single detail about the music business. There weren’t many protocols, and he made me know all the industry contacts needed for distribution, promotion, PR and basically all parts of the business. He didn’t treat me like an artiste, but as a brother. Anyway, my label, YAGI is directly under YBNL. Olamide still handles the business for me. I’m just responsible for myself financially, but anytime I want to drop a new single or video, Olamide knows about it. YBNL is still Lil Kesh’s management, and the idea of floating a new label was a joint decision.
 When will you be signing your own artistes?
It might not be anytime soon, but we’re definitely going to do that. When I feel mentally and financially ready, I will cross that bridge. Right now, there’s still a lot of work to be done on Lil Kesh.
Do you still visit Bariga where you grew up?
No, I don’t.
Why is it so?
It’s called the hood for a reason, and I have to consider a lot of things before going. I’m like a king in Bariga, and a lot of people love me there. If I’m to go there, it has to be a grand entry with security in place because a lot of people would definitely troop out to the streets. Besides, my family does not stay there anymore. I have relocated them to a better neighborhood.
You have found fame and fortune at an early age. How have you been able to manage it?
I always say I may be 22 years old biologically, but in my head, I’m older than that. Age is not maturity. It is your experience that makes you, and I have seen a lot. From being in the ghetto to living a better life; these things have built me.
Let’s talk a bit about the Headies. Did you feel robbed that you didn’t get the Next Rated Award?
I have put that behind me as it isn’t relevant to my career. As far as I’m concerned, my award is living a good life. Awards don’t determine which artiste is the best. So far you are nominated for an award, you are a winner already.
You have also been nominated for this year’s Headies. Will you be motivating your fans to vote for you?
It’s not just about me and how I feel about these things, it’s about my fans. They supported my music this year, and that’s why the album got nominated. I’m going to post about the award on social media, and appeal to my fans for support.
Can you recall the most awesome part of your career?
Anytime I step on stage and thousands of people are screaming my name.
What’s the craziest experience you have had with a fan?
There was a time I was on Lagos Island, and some street boys stopped all the cars on the road, saying nobody should move until they had all taken pictures with me. It was crazy on that day as their action caused massive traffic build-up.
Has any female fan ever asked you to sign on her boobs?
Those things happen and I don’t even consider them as crazy anymore; it’s a normal thing.

Saturday 10 December 2016



A boy of 12 years was yesterday shockingly found buried in a wall. He reportedly sang for 3 days before people decided to break the wall and rescue him.
Below is how Adesonya Stephen shared the story via Abia Facts newspaper:

A mysterious event happened at ONDO ODUDUWA STREET, ONDO STATE.
A boy of about 12yrs old was found in the middle of moulded laid blocks.
It is beyond imagination, it is unexplainable,
The boy sang for like 3 days before the people around discover it was a human and began to break the wall.
Photo Credit ©Adesonya Stephen

Friday 9 December 2016

OAU first-class graduate announced dead on graduation day

Bibilari Elebuibon

There was an unusual silence at the 42nd convocation of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Osun State, on Friday when the death was announced of a first-class graduate, Bibilari Elebuibon.

Elebuibon, who was the best in Yoruba Language in the Faculty of Arts, was said to have died in an accident in Osogbo, the Osun State capital, in July 2016.
It became a harvest of tears among his colleagues and some others present when his name was called by the dean of his faculty, Prof. Gbemisola Adeoti, for a prize and the school’s Public Relations Officer, Mr. Abiodun Olanrewaju, stepped forward to call for a minute silence in his honour.
Reports said the deceased, who was among the 66 first-class graduates, was a son of a popular Ifa priest in Osogbo, Chief Yemi Elebuibon.
Earlier, President Muhammadu Buhari had said the unemployment rate in Nigeria is now worse than it was about a year ago.
The President, who said this at the 42nd convocation of the institution, called on the private sector to complement the efforts of the government in providing jobs for Nigerians to bridge the gap.
The Chancellor of the OAU, who is also the Etsu Nupe, Alhaji Yahaya Abubakar, the Ooni of Ife, who is also the Chancellor of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and the Deputy Governor of Osun State, Mrs. Titi Laoye-Tomori, were among the dignitaries present at the ceremony.
The President, who was represented at the ceremony by the Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission, Prof. Adamu Rasheed, said his administration was working hard to ensure more Nigerian youths were productively engaged.
He said, “In September, 2016, our unemployment rate reached a high value of 17.9 per cent as compared to 9.9 per cent the previous year. I intend to remind you that although this administration is doing its best to provide jobs for the teeming population of Nigerian youths, our efforts still need to be complemented by the private sector.
“We have been bringing on board several entrepreneurship initiatives to create an enabling environment for job creators to not only thrive, but excel.
“Promotion of local products, encouragement of export markets, tapping of indigenous raw materials, etc., are some of the avenues for this to operate. As fresh graduates with invigorating ideas, you are encouraged to forward your proposals under the appropriate parastatals and agencies.”

Thursday 8 December 2016

Thirty women pose naked to protest Facebook’s nudity rules

Photographer Trina Cary, who posts nude pictures of herself regularly on facebook is fed up of being told that her naked body is unacceptable.

She said she was fed up of seeing videos of naked men, sexual and suggestive images, and violent pictures shared on Facebook without any issue, while her artwork was banned.

Trina then decided to stage a protest.

Tina spoke with Metro Uk after she posted a callout on Facebook, inviting women to join her for a nude photoshoot.

30 women responded, and the group headed to a stark rock quarry in Kelowna, Canada, to strip down entirely nude – apart from ‘censored’ tape covering their breasts and pubic areas.

See more pictures below:

Wednesday 7 December 2016


They cram your toes together, displace your foot and ankle bones, and ruin your posture. They're also 100 percent worth it.

Whenever I hear that saying " NO PAIN NO GAIN, I know it carries a lots meanings that I can ever think of. Relating that saying to the wearing of high heel, do you know that High heels can lead to a dozen foot and legs injuries!!

Blistered heels and the minor embarrassment of carrying a dangling pair of stilettos, barefoot, out of the club is generally a small price to pay for women who want to look good. But if you ask scientists their opinion, they’ll tell you the same: Ditch the high heel obsession if you want to preserve the health of your feet.

Everyone has a general sense that high heels are dangerous — the site of a wobbly woman with two bandaged heels is a sure giveaway. Emerging research, however, says there is a lot beneath the skin’s surface we don’t consider. Entire muscle groups, bundles of tendons, and our very bones are put at risk.

Consider the 2012 study that found even among women in their 20s, high heels had already changed their normal gait, even when they weren’t wearing heels. Importantly, frequent heel-wearers had shorter calf muscles compared to the control group, who rarely wore heels, putting stress on the muscles with each step they took. Since tendon movement allows for more efficient walking, over the long haul heel-wearers may experience greater muscle fatigue.

But that’s not all. High heels drastically alter the wearer’s posture, displaces the foot and ankle bones, strains the knee joint, and tightens the surrounding tendons. They can lead to osteoarthritis and hammertoe, due to many shoes’ narrow toe box. Of course, all that may be moot if dressing to impress is worth a few hours of agony. On the night of a big occasion, who has the time or energy to think about future bone health? Not classy.

Epileptic woman raped by fiance as she suffered seizure


An epileptic woman has said she was raped by her depraved fiance as she suffered a seizure.
The fiance, Peter Cotterill, who has now been sentenced to eight years in prison, preyed on her as she suffered a seizure, Georgina Adams revealed.

Adams has asked other victims suffering in silence to reach out to the police.
In an emotional interview, according to the the Daily Mail UK, 24-year-old waived her right to anonymity to speak about the abuse meted out by the man she thought was ‘the love of her life’.
The couple, who had been in relationship for five years before the first incident on June 9, lived together in Longton, Stoke-on-Trent.

Cotterill admitted he forced himself on her, but after apologising, attacked her again three weeks later causing her several bruises.

Adams said, “I was too upset to say anything. I felt dirty and disgusting. He made me feel confused, like I’d imagined it, but after about half-an-hour of me questioning him, he admitted it.

“I had pushed the rape to the back of my mind because I didn’t want to believe he had done that to me.

“We were in bed talking and then he got on top of me. I said no so many times. ‘He’s 6ft and over 20 stone and I couldn’t push him off me. He was very apologetic – I went out of the bedroom and I was crying.

“But then when I went back into the bedroom, he did it again. He forced so hard I had bruises.”
Cotterill  was charged with rape and sexual assault after Adams called in the police On July 30.

He was jailed for eight years by Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court on December 1.